
Latest at TecIntelli

February 1, 2023

Artificial intelligence driven Open Innovation

Research project »AI4OI - Artificial intelligence to accelerate Open Innovation in Baden-Württemberg on the example of the transformation of the automotive industry« started

February 2, 2022

Interactive online workshop »Smart Innovation«

Finding innovation potentials and new technologies - A practice-oriented introduction to artificial intelligence for innovation and technology management

November 12, 2021

Identify innovation potential and new technologies at an early stage

Lecture in the context of the Fraunhofer Seminar: Smart Innovation - How to increase the innovation and competitiveness of your company with artificial intelligence 

November 1, 2021

Intelligent information services for topic-specific web portals

KMU-innovativ joint project started

August 30, 2021

AI driven scouting of technology competencies

How to quickly find the relevant experts?

July 14, 2021

Identify innovation potential and new technologies at an early stage

Lecture in the context of the Fraunhofer Seminar: Smart Innovation - How to increase the innovation and competitiveness of your company with Artificial Intelligence 

July 9, 2021

Smart innovation through natural language processing

Improving competitiveness with artificial intelligence 

April 7, 2021

AI-based Smart Information Assistant

ZIM funded feasibility study started