TecIntelli – stands for Technology and Innovation Intelligence.
Informationen, relevant professional information at the
right time, reliable, quality-assured,
that is our passion, that is what we stand for.
Latest at TecIntelli
in companies
Exponential growth of information: Faster and faster, more and more.
The effort required to handle information increases continuously, but also the risks of overlooking something.
No decision without information.
Particularly with strategic decisions, with innovation decisions, the question arises: Have we taken everything relevant into account?
Recognize relevant trends at an early stage, identify new technologies, discover innovation impulses …
How to find the right, the relevant information? Reliable, quality-assured.
Recognize new technologies, new applications and markets at an early stage, identify innovation impulses systematically and analytically.
Information as a service - This is our solution for a targeted and continuous supply of information.
We support our customers with our years of expertise from the clarification of information needs to the implementation of a continuous information supply by means of intelligent information tools.